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Defy Aging & Gravity: Tighten Thigh Skin

A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the contour of the thighs by removing excess skin, fat, and tissue. It is meant for those who have lost significant weight, have excess skin due to aging, or struggle with cellulite or dimpling in the thigh area. The procedure involves an incision in the inner thigh, outer thigh, or both to remove excess tissue and tighten the remaining skin.

Thigh Lift Corrects:

  • Excess skin on the thighs due to weight loss or aging
  • Sagging or drooping skin in the thigh area
  • Cellulite or dimpling of the thighs
  • Excess fat deposits in the thigh region
  • Lack of thigh muscle tone and definition
  • Difficulty fitting into clothing due to excess skin and fat in the thigh area
  • Uneven or asymmetrical appearance of the thighs

Benefits of Thigh Lift:

  • Improved thigh contour, shape, and symmetry
  • Smoother, firmer, and tighter skin in the thigh area
  • Reduction or elimination of cellulite and dimpling in the thighs
  • Enhanced muscle tone and definition in the thigh region
  • Improved self-confidence and body image
  • Ability to wear clothing that fits properly and comfortably
  • Long-lasting results with proper care and maintenance
  • Improved quality of life through a more active and healthy lifestyle

Thigh Lift Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Wear compression garments as instructed to reduce swelling and promote healing
  • Avoid strenuous activity and exercise for several weeks after surgery
  • Keep the surgical area clean and dry to minimize the risk of infection
  • Take pain medication as prescribed to manage discomfort
  • Follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated to promote healing
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, as they can impede the healing process
  • Be patient and gentle with yourself during the recovery process

Your Thigh Lift Options

Inner Thigh Lift
An inner thigh lift specifically targets the inner thigh area. The procedure involves making an incision in the groin crease or along the inner thigh, depending on the extent of skin and tissue that needs to be removed. The incision is typically between four and six inches long, and the goal of the procedure is to remove excess skin and tissue from the inner thigh, tighten the remaining skin, and improve the contour of the thigh area.

Vertical Thigh Lift
A vertical thigh lift focuses on the outer and upper portions of the thigh. The procedure involves making a vertical incision along the length of the thigh, from the groin to the knee.

The incision is typically longer than other thigh lift procedures, ranging from 6 to 12 inches. The goal is to remove excess skin and tissue from the outer and upper thigh, resulting in a more contoured and toned appearance, specifically for patients with excess skin laxity.

Outer Thigh Lift
An outer thigh lift specifically targets the outer thigh area. The procedure involves an incision in the groin crease and extending it around the hip to the buttock crease. The incision length varies depending on the extent of skin and tissue that needs to be removed. The goal is to remove excess skin and tissue from the outer thigh, lift and tighten the remaining skin, and improve the overall contour of the thigh area.

When Will I See the Final Results?

While you will see some improvement in the contour of your thighs immediately after your thigh lift, it may take several weeks or even months to see the final results. Swelling and bruising are normal after surgery and can take some time to resolve. However, as the swelling subsides and the tissues heal, you will see a smoother, firmer, and more toned appearance in the thigh area, with optimal results typically visible within 6-12 months.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Cohen in Southbury is committed to providing personalized and high-quality care to every patient. His extensive training and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, including microsurgery and cosmetic surgery, make him a highly qualified and skilled surgeon. He has been recognized for his academic achievements and published numerous articles in distinguished journals. To discuss your individualized surgical plan and achieve your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation today.

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