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Transform Your Midsection

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the midsection by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the underlying muscles. Dr. Cohen will make an incision across the lower abdomen, remove excess skin and fat, repair separated abdominal muscles, and contour the remaining tissue for a smoother, firmer appearance. The result is a transformed midsection, with improved body confidence and a more youthful silhouette.

woman after tummy tuck in Southbury

Tummy Tuck Corrects:

  • Excess abdominal skin that has lost elasticity due to weight loss, aging, or pregnancy
  • Separated or weakened abdominal muscles that create a bulging appearance
  • Stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Stretch marks on the lower abdomen
  • A protruding belly that can make it difficult to wear certain clothing
  • A lack of confidence or self-esteem caused by dissatisfaction with your midsection

To learn more about how a tummy tuck in Southbury can help you, contact our office today for an appointment.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck:

  • A smoother, flatter, and more toned abdominal area
  • Improved self-confidence and body image
  • The ability to wear clothing that fits more comfortably and flatters your figure
  • A more youthful, rejuvenated appearance
  • Correction of separated abdominal muscles that may cause discomfort or pain
  • Improved posture and reduced strain on the back due to a stronger core
  • The motivation to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maintain your results

What Happens During Tummy Tuck Surgery?

During tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Cohen will make an incision across your lower abdomen to remove excess skin and fat and tighten underlying muscles. The extent of the procedure will depend on the type of tummy tuck you receive, which can include a full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, or extended tummy tuck. Dr. Cohen will carefully plan your procedure based on your individual needs and goals to ensure natural-looking results. Tummy tuck in Southbury takes up to 3 hours.

woman after tummy tuck in Southbury

Your Tummy Tuck Options

Full Tummy Tuck
A full tummy tuck is for patients who want to address excess skin and fat on the entire abdominal area. Dr. Cohen will make a hip-to-hip incision and another around the belly button to remove excess skin, repair muscle separation, and contour the remaining tissue. This procedure provides dramatic results for patients with significant skin laxity.

Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive procedure that targets the lower abdominal area below the belly button.

This procedure involves a smaller incision and focuses on tightening the muscles and removing excess skin and fat in this area. A mini tummy tuck is for patients who have minimal skin laxity and want to achieve a flatter, more toned lower abdomen.

Extended Tummy Tuck
An extended tummy tuck is a comprehensive procedure that addresses excess skin and fat in the abdominal area, hips, and lower back. This procedure involves a longer incision, allowing Dr. Cohen to remove more skin and contour the body more extensively. An extended tummy tuck in Southbury is for patients who have experienced significant weight loss or undergone childbirth.

woman after tummy tuck in Southbury

Tummy Tuck Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Wear compression garments to reduce swelling and support the healing process
  • Take all prescribed medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics
  • Follow a healthy diet to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and lifting for several weeks after surgery
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with Dr. Cohen
  • Keep your incisions clean and dry and follow all wound care instructions
  • Stay hydrated to support your body’s natural healing processes
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, as they can impede healing
  • Be patient and allow yourself time to heal properly

When Will I See the Final Results?

While you will notice a significant improvement in your abdominal area immediately after surgery, the final results can take several weeks to months to fully develop. Swelling and bruising are common in the first few weeks after a tummy tuck in Southbury and will gradually subside over time, following which the results will become evident.

Schedule Your Consultation

The highly skilled and experienced Dr. Cohen, offers a range of cosmetic procedures to help you achieve your desired look. Dr. Cohen’s extensive training and expertise in plastic surgery make him a strong choice for patients seeking personalized care and exceptional results. As Chief Resident during his residency, Dr. Cohen honed his skills to provide patients with an individualized surgical plan to meet their aesthetic goals. Don’t wait to achieve your desired figure — schedule your consultation today.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact Us 203.709.8729