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Restore Your Femininity & Confidence

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that aims to rebuild a breast removed due to breast cancer or other conditions. The procedure can involve using an implant, a flap of tissue from another part of the patient’s body, or a combination of both to recreate a breast that looks and feels natural. Breast reconstruction can be performed at the same time as a mastectomy or lumpectomy or later. The goal is to help women restore their femininity and confidence after undergoing breast cancer treatment.

Breast Reconstruction Corrects:

  • Loss of breast tissue due to mastectomy or lumpectomy
  • Imbalance or asymmetry between the breasts
  • Changes in breast shape, size, or position
  • Scarring or deformities in the breast area
  • Psychological distress and loss of self-esteem caused by breast cancer treatment

Breast Reconstruction Revision

Breast reconstruction in Connecticut can include revision which is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance and function of a previous breast reconstruction surgery. The procedure may be necessary if the initial reconstruction does not meet the patient’s expectations if there are complications or implant problems, or if there are changes in the breast or body shape over time. Breast reconstruction may involve adjusting the size or shape of an implant, correcting asymmetry or scarring, or using additional tissue to improve breast contour.

Benefits of Breast Reconstruction:

  • Restoring a sense of femininity and confidence after losing a breast
  • Improving body image and self-esteem
  • Creating a more symmetrical and balanced appearance of the breasts
  • Providing a more natural-looking breast mound that feels and moves like a real breast
  • Reducing the need for external breast prostheses
  • Helping survivors move forward in their cancer journey and focus on healing and recovery
  • Improving intimacy and sexual well-being
woman smiling after breast reconstruction in Connecticut.

Meet Dr. Wess Cohen

Dr. Wess Cohen is a distinguished board-certified plastic surgeon based in Southbury, CT, serving as the Chief of Plastic Surgery at Saint Mary’s Hospital. Renowned for his expertise, Dr. Cohen received his undergraduate degree from Tufts University and his medical degree from Rutgers University. He further honed his skills through rigorous training, including a fellowship in Aesthetics and Reconstructive Breast Surgery at Lenox Hill/Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital in NYC. Dr. Cohen specializes in personalized surgical plans, encompassing breast reconstruction, implant-free breast augmentation, body contouring, rhinoplasty, and facial rejuvenation. Committed to patient well-being, he ensures the highest standards of care, reflecting his dedication to excellence in plastic surgery.

Autologous Breast Reconstruction (DIEP Flap)

Autologous breast reconstruction is a surgical technique that uses a woman’s tissue, usually from the abdomen, to rebuild the breast after mastectomy. An advanced and successful technique for autologous breast reconstruction in Connecticut is the DIEP flap, which involves removing skin and fat from the lower belly and using it to reconstruct the breast. The DIEP flap produces a natural-looking breast with a soft, natural feel and minimal scarring. Dr. Cohen uses this technique to ensure safe and naturalized results.


PAP Flap Breast Reconstruction

PAP Flap (Profunda Artery Perforator Flap) breast reconstruction is a sophisticated surgical technique that offers a natural and innovative approach to post-mastectomy breast restoration. Unlike some other autologous reconstruction methods that utilize abdominal tissue, PAP Flap reconstruction utilizes tissue from the inner thigh just below the buttocks, sparing the abdominal muscles. This makes it ideal for women who may not be suitable candidates for abdominal-based reconstructions or who wish to preserve their abdominal tissues.

How PAP Flap Reconstruction Is Done
During a PAP Flap procedure, Dr. Cohen removes excess skin and fat from the inner thigh while preserving the underlying blood vessels and nerves. This tissue is carefully transferred to the chest area to reconstruct a natural-looking breast mound. PAP Flap breast reconstruction often results in a softer, more youthful breast with minimal scarring at both the thigh and breast donor sites. Patients who choose this method often appreciate its ability to achieve symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing results while minimizing disruption to the abdominal region.

Benefits of PAP Flap Breast Reconstruction:

  • Utilizes tissue from the inner thigh
  • Preserves abdominal muscles
  • Natural-looking breast reconstruction
  • Soft and youthful breast appearance
  • Minimal scarring at donor sites
  • Minimal disruption to the abdominal region

What Happens During Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

During breast reconstruction, Dr. Cohen will create a breast mound similar in shape, size, and appearance to your natural breast. The surgery may involve using an implant or tissue from another part of your body, such as your abdomen or back for breast fat grafting. The surgery typically takes several hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure details depend on your goals and needs, but most patients can return home the same day.

woman happy, with healthy looking breasts after breast reconstruction in Connecticut

Breast Reconstruction Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Take prescribed pain medication and do not drive while taking pain medication
  • Avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity for several weeks after surgery
  • Wear compression garments or surgical bras to support the breasts and reduce swelling
  • Attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and healing after your breast reconstruction in Connecticut
  • Keep the surgical area clean and dry, and avoid soaking in water
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet to support healing and avoid smoking
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach or the side of the reconstructed breast for several weeks
  • Keep your incisions out of direct sunlight and use sun protection when going outside
  • Notify your surgeon if you experience fever, severe pain, or any unusual symptoms

When Will I See the Final Results?

Breast reconstruction takes time and patience. While you will notice changes in your breast immediately after surgery, it can take several weeks or months to see the final results. Swelling and bruising will gradually decrease over time, and the breast will continue to settle into its new shape. Most patients see the final results after about 6 months.

Watch Dr. Cohen's Interview About Breast Reconstruction

Why Choose Us for Your Breast Reconstruction in Connecticut

Dr. Wess Cohen offers top-notch breast reconstruction services to help women restore their confidence and femininity after breast cancer treatment. Dr. Cohen is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon with extesnive experience in breast reconstruction in Connecticut, having trained at top plastic surgery programs, including Rutgers University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. As a fellowship-trained surgeon focusing on breast aesthetics, Dr. Cohen provides his patients with an individualized surgical plan to meet their aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Wess Cohen today.

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