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Transform & Tighten Your Arms

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to contour and shape the upper arms. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance. Arm lift surgery is an effective solution for patients struggling with sagging skin or excess fat in their upper arms, particularly after significant weight loss or natural aging. Dr. Cohen offers personalized arm lift surgery to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

Arm Lift Corrects:

  • Sagging, loose skin on the upper arms
  • Excess fat deposits in the upper arms
  • A lack of arm contour or definition
  • Drooping or deflated appearance of the upper arms
  • Self-consciousness or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the arms
  • Difficulty finding clothing that fits comfortably and flatters the arms

Benefits of Arm Lift:

  • Improved arm contour and definition
  • Removal of excess skin and fat for a more toned appearance
  • Boost in self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Ability to wear fitted clothing without feeling self-conscious
  • Enhanced overall body proportion and balance
  • Long-lasting results that improve with proper diet and exercise
  • Improved range of motion in the arms
  • Fewer skin irritations and rashes caused by excess skin rubbing together

Short Scar Brachioplasty

Short scar brachioplasty surgery is a cutting-edge procedure designed to address excess skin and fat in the upper arms, commonly known as “bat wings.” This innovative technique utilizes smaller incisions, resulting in less scarring and a quicker recovery time compared to traditional brachioplasty. With Dr. Cohen’s help, patients can achieve firmer, more sculpted arms, enhancing their confidence and restoring a youthful appearance.

What Happens During Arm Lift Surgery?

During arm lift surgery, you will be placed under general anesthesia to ensure you remain comfortable. Dr. Cohen will make incisions along the inner or back of your arms, depending on your unique needs. The length and location of the incisions will be determined during your initial consultation and will depend on the extent of the excess skin and fat that needs to be removed.

Once the incisions are made, Dr. Cohen will remove the excess skin and fat from the arms, reshaping the remaining tissue to create a more toned and contoured appearance. If necessary, he may also use liposuction to further contour the arms and remove stubborn pockets of fat. The procedure typically takes two to three hours to complete.

Arm Lift Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Take any prescribed medications as directed to manage pain and prevent infection
  • Rest for at least the first few days after surgery and avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity
  • Wear compression garments as instructed to reduce swelling and support healing
  • Keep your arms elevated for the first week to reduce swelling and improve circulation
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Cohen to monitor your healing progress
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, and any blood-thinning medications for two weeks
  • Gradually reintroduce light exercise into your routine after the first week
  • Keep the incision sites clean and dry, following Dr. Cohen’s instructions for wound care
  • Be patient and gentle with your arms as they heal

When Will I See the Final Results?

While you will notice an immediate improvement in the contour and tone of your arms after surgery, it may take several months for the final results to fully manifest. As the swelling subsides and the skin tightens, you will see a significant improvement in the appearance of your arms, which will continue to improve over time.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Wess Cohen in Southbury is committed to helping you achieve your desired appearance through personalized and effective cosmetic procedures. With extensive training in plastic surgery at top programs and a focus on microsurgery, Dr. Cohen has the expertise to provide you with an individualized surgical plan that meets your goals. Schedule a consultation to learn how arm lift surgery can transform your arms.

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