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Resize & Reshape Your Ears

Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to correct the size, shape, or position of the ears. This procedure can address various issues, including protruding ears, large earlobes, asymmetrical ears, and deformities caused by injury or birth defects. During the surgery, the cartilage is reshaped and repositioned, and excess skin is removed, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Ear Surgery Corrects:

  • Protruding ears that stick out too far from the head
  • Large earlobes that may appear out of proportion to the rest of the ear
  • Asymmetrical ears, where one ear is noticeably different in shape or size than the other
  • Deformities caused by injury or birth defects, such as a cleft earlobe or cupped ear
  • Overly prominent folds or creases in the ear
  • Constricted ears, where the ear has not developed properly and appears smaller than normal
  • The appearance of stretched or torn earlobes caused by wearing heavy earrings or trauma

What Happens During Ear Surgery Surgery?

During ear surgery, you will be given local or general anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Depending on your specific needs, your surgeon may make an incision behind your ear or within the natural folds of the ear. The cartilage will be reshaped and repositioned to create the desired look. The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the extent of the surgery but typically takes 1-3 hours. You will be given specific aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

Benefits of Ear Surgery:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • A more aesthetically pleasing appearance of the ears and overall facial symmetry
  • Elimination of teasing or social ostracizing due to the appearance of the ears
  • Ability to wear hairstyles that were previously avoided due to self-consciousness
  • Correction of birth defects or deformities that affect the ears
  • Increased satisfaction with overall physical appearance
  • Long-lasting results with minimal scarring

Ear Surgery Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Keep your head elevated for a few days following the surgery to reduce swelling
  • Apply cold compresses or ice packs to the ears as directed to reduce swelling
  • Avoid sleeping on your side or rubbing or scratching the ears
  • Take prescribed pain medication as directed by your surgeon
  • Keep the incision area clean and dry
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or activities that may increase blood pressure for at least 2 weeks
  • Wear a protective headband or dressing as directed by your surgeon
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress
  • Report any unusual symptoms or concerns to your surgeon immediately
  • Avoid exposure to sun or tanning beds until your surgeon approves it
  • Keep a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking to promote better healing

When Will I See the Final Results?

While you will notice an improvement in the appearance of your ears immediately after surgery, it may take several weeks to months for the final results to become fully visible. Swelling and bruising will gradually subside, and the ears will settle into their new position.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Cohen in Southbury, CT offers exceptional cosmetic surgical services to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Dr. Cohen is a board-certified plastic surgeon, having completed his plastic surgery residency at Rutgers University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He has also published over 20 articles in distinguished academic surgery journals. Schedule your consultation and discover how we can help you look your best.

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