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Enhance Your Facial Contours

Chin and cheek enhancement are cosmetic procedures that focus on improving the appearance of the lower face. Chin augmentation can create a more defined chin or correct a recessed chin, while cheek enhancement can add volume to sunken cheeks or contour the cheekbones. These procedures typically involve using implants or fat grafts from other parts of the body to achieve the desired look. The goal is to achieve a balanced, harmonious appearance that complements the natural contours of the face.

Chin & Cheek Enhancement Correct:

  • Recessed or weak chin
  • Lack of facial definition or contour
  • Sunken cheeks or flat cheekbones
  • Asymmetry between the cheeks or chin
  • Disproportionate facial features
  • Sagging skin or loss of volume due to aging
  • Post-traumatic facial deformities
  • Congenital facial abnormalities

Benefits of Chin & Cheek Enhancement:

  • Improved facial symmetry and balance
  • Enhanced definition and contour of the cheeks and chin
  • Restored volume and youthfulness to sunken or flat cheeks
  • Correction of a recessed or weak chin
  • Improved profile and facial proportions
  • Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Results that look natural and refreshed
  • Long-lasting and permanent results

The Chin Enhancement Technique

Chin enhancement is typically performed using implants made of silicone. During the procedure, a small incision is made beneath the chin, through which the implant is inserted and positioned to achieve the desired result. Dr. Cohen uses precise surgical techniques to create a natural-looking, balanced appearance that complements your other facial features. The procedure typically takes less than an hour.

The Cheek Enhancement Technique

Cheek enhancement can be performed using implants made of safe, biocompatible materials or fat grafting. Cheek implants are made of biocompatible materials and are placed in the desired location through a small incision in the mouth or under the eyelid. Alternatively, fat grafting involves harvesting fat from another part of your body and injecting it into the cheeks to add volume and contour. Both techniques enhance the shape and fullness of your cheeks.

Chin & Cheek Enhancement Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Wess Cohen
  • Take all prescribed medications as directed, including pain relievers and antibiotics
  • Apply ice packs to the treated area to reduce swelling and bruising
  • Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for at least two weeks following the procedure
  • Sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling
  • Avoid chewing hard or crunchy foods for the first week to avoid straining your jaw
  • Maintain good oral hygiene to reduce the risk of infection
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Cohen

When Will I See the Final Results?

You will likely see some swelling and bruising after your chin or cheek enhancement procedure, but these should subside over the following days and weeks. The final results of your procedure will become fully visible as you heal and your tissues settle into their new shape, typically within several weeks to a few months.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Wess Cohen is a board-certified plastic surgeon trained at top programs like Rutgers University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, he is dedicated to providing personalized, results-driven care to each patient. Dr. Cohen’s expertise in cosmetic surgery ensures safe and natural-looking results. Dr. Cohen works with you to create an individualized surgical plan that addresses your unique goals. Schedule a consultation to learn how chin and cheek enhancement can enhance facial contours.

Schedule a Consultation

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