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Reclaim Comfort & Optimal Proportions

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the breasts, reshape them, and alleviate discomfort caused by excessive weight. Women with large breasts often experience physical discomfort, such as neck and back pain, skin irritation, and difficulty finding clothes that fit. Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast tissue, skin, and fat to achieve a more proportional and comfortable breast size. The procedure can also improve posture and self-confidence, making women feel more comfortable in their bodies.

Breast Reduction Corrects:

  • Physical discomfort caused by excessively large breasts
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by heavy breasts
  • Skin irritation and bra strap grooving
  • Limited physical activity due to breast size and weight
  • Difficulty finding clothes that fit properly
  • Self-consciousness and low self-esteem related to breast size
  • Unwanted attention and stares from others due to large breasts
  • Asymmetrical breasts, where one breast is larger than the other
  • Breasts that have lost their shape and firmness due to aging or pregnancy
  • Disproportionate breast size in relation to the body frame

What Happens During Breast Reduction Surgery?

During breast reduction surgery, you will be given general anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. The surgery takes two to four hours, depending on the extent of the reduction.

Your surgeon will make incisions on your breasts to remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The incisions can be made in different locations, depending on the specific case, but they are commonly made around the areola, down to the breast crease, and along the breast crease. Your surgeon will reshape your breasts, reposition the nipple and areola, and reduce the areola if necessary. Your surgeon will close the incisions with sutures and apply dressings and a supportive bra to reduce swelling.

Benefits of Breast Reduction:

  • Relief from physical discomfort, such as neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Improved ability to participate in physical activities and exercise
  • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence in one’s appearance
  • Improved body proportion and overall appearance
  • Relief from unwanted attention or stares due to breast size
  • Improved posture and reduced risk of skeletal deformities
  • Ability to wear a wider variety of clothing styles comfortably
  • Potential relief from skin irritation and infections caused by the friction of large breasts

Breast Reduction Aftercare Guidelines:

  • You will need to take time off work to rest and recover from the surgery
  • Avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous activities for at least four weeks after the surgery
  • Take your pain medication as prescribed to manage any discomfort
  • Keep your dressing clean and dry, and change it as directed by your surgeon
  • Wear the supportive bra provided by your surgeon for several weeks after surgery
  • Avoid any activities that may cause trauma to the breast area
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress
  • Massage the breasts as instructed by your surgeon to promote proper circulation
  • Avoid smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke, as it can impair healing
  • Follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated to support healing and overall health

When Will I See the Final Results?

While you will see some immediate improvement in breast size and shape after the surgery, it can take several months for the final results to be visible. It’s essential to be patient during this time and follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions carefully to ensure the optimal outcome.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Cohen, offers comprehensive breast reduction surgery to help women regain their confidence. With Dr. Cohen’s extensive training in plastic surgery, including microsurgery and cosmetic surgery, you can trust that he will provide you with personalized care and a customized surgical plan to meet your specific aesthetic goals. Schedule your consultation to learn how breast reduction surgery can improve your life.

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